Strategy Services

ImpactED partners

We work with our partners to strengthen the underlying theory and logic behind their work. A clear vision and strategy can help organizations better understand how their work responds to community needs and goals and how they can communicate externally with funders about their impact.

Program design

We help our partners understand what they want to achieve and design programs and initiatives that realize those outcomes. We support high-quality program design through a variety of strategies including landscape scans, literature reviews, logic model development, needs assessments, and curriculum development support. 

Theory of change

We help organizations develop a theory of change that gets to the heart of why they exist, who they serve, and how they work to create social change. A theory of change is a strategic blueprint that outlines the ultimate change an organization is seeking to achieve and all the conditions that are needed to bring about that desired change. For more information on our theory of change process, please see our Theory of Change Overview Guide.


We help our partners reflect on their strategy and share their learnings with the broader community. We push ourselves and our partners to consider different ways to share learning by creating dissemination strategies that are intentionally informed by key stakeholder perspectives and that may include other mediums (e.g. short video, audio, or visuals). 

See examples of our strategy projects at our Featured Projects page.